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The Culinary Architect Health Coach Program


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My mission is to collaborate with my clients who desire to be empowered and no longer be hostage to diets and losing weight. 

I am helping as many people as humanly possible to be free of their internal triggers and societal manipulation.

What is this program about?

I began my adult journey as a cook that weighed nearly 400 lbs. and was challenged

during this part of my journey to eat "healthy".  What was that? 

Living in the era of convenience, ease, and speed there were plentiful offerings that would satiate the palate with sweet and salt; drive through dining, processed foods, and packaged ready-to-eat foods (all with those damaging ingredients). 

The SAD diet (Standard American Diet) is what may be the leading cause of chronic illness in our society.  Processed foods do not feed our bodies with proper nutrients, vitamins and minerals which causes us to eat more as our bodies crave needed nutrition while these foods damage our intestinal tract reducing our ability to absorb nutrients through our villi in the small intestines.  Sounds crazy? The Culinary Architect can lead you on a path of health and wellness while you enjoy eating delicious food. 

You won't be on a diet, you will be experiencing a Food Enjoyment Plan.



Diets don’t work except for about 2% of the participants. 

Diets are usually created by those who created a system that worked for them.

This is not a diet or a false hope!  

This is a Lifestyle Transformation with a clear plan, your plan!

We are not wired to do it alone.  Teamwork makes the dream work.


You will succeed!  As your Integrative Nutrition Health Coach, I will focus on you!

 Your dreams, Your desires, Your life! 


I am your coach for a better tomorrow!

Food is our fuel; we will incorporate your bio individuality understanding what foods work well for you and discover what gets in your way of your desired life journey. 

Let's bring these together empowering you to practice self-love and self-care.


Why Russell Michel?

During this program and beyond, you will:


Learn about yourself and what stops you from attaining your deepest desires.


Become highly self-confident with managing what gets in your way.


Cohesively develop a path that is curated just for you and your goals.


Develop a sense of empowerment in the dynamic elements of your journey.


Feel in charge of your choices and cravings.


You will master your path to a healthy gut and microbiome while feeling incredible.


Succeed in achieving an understanding of how food is processed in your body.


Acquire skills in nutritional awareness and how our bio computer reacts to food and



Understand Primary and Secondary foods.


Have a coach that listens and understands your needs and guides you to accomplish what you want and desire.


Stop dieting and start living.

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